Collection: Unique Flower Bulb & Seed Garden

Dare to be different with Eden Brothers' unique flower offerings. These plants make great conversation starters and will set your yard apart from all the neighbors. Many blooms boast floral beauty but unique flowers have additional features to intrigue and entice. They can be bicolored, grow unusually large, form odd shapes or have other uncommon characteristics. Explore today, and find the unique flower that speaks to you!

What makes a unique flower garden

  • 55 unique flowers to shock your neighbors
  • Includes flowers that may not look like flowers at all
  • Deer resistant and drought tolerant varieties available
  • Adds personality and character to your yard

What makes a unique flower garden

  • 55 unique flowers to shock your neighbors
  • Includes flowers that may not look like flowers at all
  • Deer resistant and drought tolerant varieties available
  • Adds personality and character to your yard

Plant an unexpected garden with these unique flowers

If you’re enchanted by the wild and wonderful, then this page is for you. Flower gardens don’t have to be the perfect cookie-cutter spaces we sometimes picture them to be. Just because zinnias are popular doesn’t mean you have to grow them. Your garden is yours—why not make your growing space an extension of the creative and distinctive individual that you are?

At Eden Brothers, we love all things whimsical. We wish that more folks grew the mixed pastel shades of Canterbury Bells and Love In The Puff with their miniature green puffballs. If fairies exist (and who’s to say they don’t) the pixies will certainly be found hanging out in the garden underneath Chinese Lanterns, dancing around wearing festive Mexican Hat flowers.

Unique flowers thrive in containers and indoors

Your unique flower garden can be functional, too–consider growing marshmallow plants not only for their delicate white blooms but for medicinal properties as well. The roots of this perennial herb can be used to make a tea that soothes sore throats and indigestion.

Even if you don’t have space outdoors to grow the garden of your dreams, many of these rare and unusual flowers will thrive in container gardens or indoors. Coffee Plant is a favorite houseplant, and not just for the folks who thrive on caffeine.

No unique flower garden is complete without Passiflora. This vine can be perennial in warmer climates, but in cooler regions, it does best grown as an annual. A North America Native, passiflora flowers bloom brilliantly, but only 24 hours–earning the plant its common name, “passion flower.”

Unique flower seeds make the best dried arrangements

Some of the most unusual plants make for the best dried flowers. As if the lilac-colored Lunaria blooms weren’t enough to catch your eye, the transparent seed pods will. Also called “money plant” for its seed pods that closely resemble a coin, Lunaria makes a perfect bouquet filler for fresh and dried bouquets alike.

Starflower, a variety of Scabiosa whose white umbel blooms dry to papery, globe-shaped seedpods that give the plant its other name, “drumstick flower.” Regardless of which stage you pick this beauty in, it is sure to add texture and interest to any flower arrangement.

To dry flowers, harvest the flowers normally, in either peak bloom or after the flower has already died back and left behind a seedpod. Cut the stems about eight inches down and strip the foliage, then bunch the stems together. Hand the flower bunches upside down in a cool, dry, and dark place like a barn or shed. Keep the flowers out of direct sunlight to keep the colors from fading, and in two to three weeks and your dried flowers will be ready to use in everlasting arrangements!

With the most extensive collection of rare and unusual flower seeds around, Eden Brothers is sure to have something that will catch your fancy and make your neighbors jealous. Order these treasures today, and manifest the garden of your dreams this season.