Collection: Regional Wildflower Mixes

Meticulously formulated for our diverse country, regional wildflower mixes will bloom in every corner of our beautiful nation. Just select your region: northeast, southwest, midwest, and all others. Always 100% pure wildflower seed, our exclusive wildflower mixes will transform your slice of paradise with flowers that are suited to your temperatures and conditions. Each mix contains 15 to 25 different wildflower species, so you'll eagerly anticipate every bloom.

The significance of regional wildflower mixes

  • Tailored to your temperature, elevation, and soil types
  • Intended to perform well in a large area
  • Beautiful blooms no matter where you live
  • Keep the guesswork out of what wildflowers to grow

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The significance of regional wildflower mixes

  • Tailored to your temperature, elevation, and soil types
  • Intended to perform well in a large area
  • Beautiful blooms no matter where you live
  • Keep the guesswork out of what wildflowers to grow

The best wildflower mixes to suit every region of North America

We’ve done it! We’ve created nine regional wildflower mixes, each of which is especially suited to a particular area of North America. Whether you live in the Northeast or Southwest, we have the perfect wildflower seed mix tailored to you.

You might have the greenest thumb in the world, but if you live in an area that just doesn’t agree with what you’re trying to grow you likely won't have much success. Luckily, you won’t have to worry about compatible plants and climates with any of these nine regional wildflower seed mixes.

The flower species in each wildflower seed mix have been hand-picked by Eden Brothers horticulturalists, tailored to the specific temperatures, elevation, and soil types of that region. Each one of these exclusive regional wildflower mixes contains between 15 and 25 North American native and perennial plants that thrive in our temperate climate.

A balanced blend of annual and perennial varieties

Purple Coneflower makes an appearance in more than a few regional wildflower mixes, along with Wild Perennial Lupine and Red Corn Poppy. Cachfly does make a special appearance in the Northeast Wildflower Mix, while Lemon Mint is a featured variety in the Southeast. Yellow Black Eyed Susan is an integral variety to all nine regional wildflower mixes, while Rocky Mountain Penstemon is a western exclusive.

Regional wildflower mixes are easy to grow

Wildflowers are the easiest flowers to grow. Think about it: these are the flowers that flourished long before human intervention–so these varieties don’t need any extra coddling.

Choose a planting site for your wildflower seeds that gets full sun. Cool-season wildflowers can tolerate some shade, but you’ll get the healthiest, most beautiful blooms from plants that see at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. The planting site should also drain well–most wildflowers don’t like to sit in water.

To plant wildflower seeds, scatter the seeds over bare earth and gently press them into the ground. Water the seeds in and weed the seedlings as needed until the young plants can outcompete any weeds. Learn more in our Gardening 101 resource center.

Regional wildflower mixes are ideal for pollinators

Sure, we grow these regional wildflower mixes to feel a sense of pride and to connect with native plants in our homelands. But the best purpose fulfilled by regional wildflower mixes is the creation of habitat and food for native pollinators.

In a changing world where wildlands are being tainted and destroyed daily, planting pollinator gardens and wildflower meadows is essential work with exponential consequences. If you can bear to turn over a portion of your lawn to native flowering plants, or if you have extra room in your vegetable garden, we hope that you’ll consider filling out that space with one of these regional wildflower mixes.

Impress your neighbors with a vast collection of wildflowers, and because these wildflowers are especially suited to your region they won’t require much extra effort on your part. Order your seeds today, and let nature take care of the rest. Sit back and watch the wildflowers grow, and be amazed at the that will come out of your little wildflower patch. Consider sending these flower mixes as housewarming gifts to someone who’s relocated. But don’t forget to cut yourself a bouquet every now and then–you deserve it.