Collection: Yellow Flower Seeds and Bulbs

Yellow flowers were a sign of abundance in Mayan culture because of their resemblance to corn. They were prized in ancient Greece and Egypt for their semblance to the sun. Today, yellow roses are considered a sign of friendship. Plant any combination of Eden Brothers' yellow flower seeds and bulbs in your backyard to create a bright pollinator hotspot. Choose a low-growing variety, such as Basket of Gold Alyssum Seeds, for walks and walkways, or a taller variety, such as Majorette Double Yellow Hollyhock Seeds, for cut flowers.

What we adore about yellow flower gardens

  • 188 yellow flower varieties
  • Mixes and single varieties for every bloom season
  • Many pollinator and hummingbird attractors
  • Majority of yellow flowers are drought tolerant and deer resistant

What we adore about yellow flower gardens

  • 188 yellow flower varieties
  • Mixes and single varieties for every bloom season
  • Many pollinator and hummingbird attractors
  • Majority of yellow flowers are drought tolerant and deer resistant

Over 100 of the best yellow flower bulbs and seeds

What’s not to love about yellow flowers? Flowers with such a sunny disposition can’t help but bring joy to the faces of everyone around them. Plant a few of these lighthearted beauties and let them cheer you up the next time you’re feeling blue. If not for yourself, plant a bed of yellow flowers for your neighbors and friends, since yellow flowers are associated with friendship and community.

Heart-loving annuals like calendula, marigolds, and nasturtiums will be among the fastest-growing golden flowers in your garden, and some of the more productive varieties, too. Trust us, you’ll want to tuck these yellow flower seeds into your garden anywhere you can.

Plenty of hardy perennials come in buttery tones as well. Coreopsis, a North American native wildflower, brightens up any garden or bouquet. Or plant the trumpet-shaped four o'clocks to entice hummingbirds to the garden. Alyssum Basket of Gold is a versatile plant that makes an excellent and fragrant groundcover.

Plant a yellow wildflower meadow

If you’re ready to transition your lawn to a wildflower meadow for the pollinators, try the Eden Brothers exclusive yellow wildflower mix, Ole Yeller, a blended mix of part perennial, part annual wildflower seeds suitable for any hardiness zone. This mix is especially suited to native pollinators, including solitary bees and migrating butterfly species.

Any yellow-themed flower garden would be remiss without sunflowers. Choose from between nearly 30 equally gorgeous varieties, or grow them all in one of Eden Brothers’ two sunflower seed mixes—Sunny or Here Comes The Sun.

Fall and spring-planted bulbs for yellow summer flowers

Many of our favorite fall-planted bulbs—namely daffodils, tulips, and ranunculus—bloom in every imaginable shade of yellow. Try the miniature Tete a Tete Daffodil or the Golden Parade Tulip—you’re sure to love them all.

Incorporate some lemon-colored foliage in your garden with hostas like the fall-planted Orange Marmalade variety. Plant summer-blooming bulbs like Reblooming Bearded Iris Harvest of Memories or Itoh Peony Roots Bartzella for yellow-hued summer flowers.

Plant Calla Lilies Morning Sun or Canna Lilies Mixed Colors for spring-planted bulbs that give way to fiery summer flowers.

Of course, no cutting garden is complete without a row (or more!) of dahlias. From the bright yellow Buttercup to the pink and yellow bicolored Sunny Mix, you could plant your whole garden in dahlias and get almost as much variety in color and form as you would planting all the other varieties featured here!

Yellow bulbs and seeds from quality sources

At Eden Brothers, we take pride in all of our products–from the smallest seed to the bulkiest bulb. You never have to worry about any of our products containing GMOs, additives, or fillers. We make it our mission to have the most extensive and highest quality flower seeds and bulbs on the market. Order yellow flower seeds and bulbs to your heart’s content, knowing that your dream garden is already off to the best possible start. Before you start planting, check out our Gardening 101 resource center for all there is to know!