Collection: Four O'Clock Seeds (Heirloom)

Heirloom four o'clock flowers, with trumpet-shaped blooms on bushy stalks, provide distinctive and striking traits to any garden, earning their name for flowering late in the afternoon. The hues of these blossoms range from magenta and purple to yellow and white, and one plant may have several colors. Heirloom four o'clock iridescent colors and fragrant perfume will attract bees, hummingbirds, and other pollinators as it grows to reach 12 to 36 inches tall!

What we love about planting heirloom four o' clock seeds

  • 6 heirloom four o'clock seed varieties
  • Pollinator attractor
  • Named for their late afternoon blooms
  • Offering a sea of colors to your garden

  • main-collection-product-grid four o'clock mixed

    Four O'Clock Seeds - Mixed Colors

    Plant these beauties as a friendly reminder to take an afternoon break

    Four O'Clock Seeds - Mixed Colors

    Plant these beauties as a friendly reminder to take an afternoon break
    Regular price As Low As $4.99
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.99
  • main-collection-product-grid four o'clock bicolor

    Four O'Clock Seeds - Bicolor Mix

    Streaked and multicolored flowers are reminiscent of a carnival

    Four O'Clock Seeds - Bicolor Mix

    Streaked and multicolored flowers are reminiscent of a carnival
    Regular price As Low As $4.99
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.99
  • main-collection-product-grid four oclock white

    Four O'Clock Seeds - White

    This hardy plant is the perfect addition to your moon garden

    Four O'Clock Seeds - White

    This hardy plant is the perfect addition to your moon garden
    Regular price As Low As $4.99
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.99
  • main-collection-product-grid four oclock pink

    Four O'Clock Seeds - Pink

    These fragrant, fuchsia blooms are the easiest to grow from seed

    Four O'Clock Seeds - Pink

    These fragrant, fuchsia blooms are the easiest to grow from seed
    Regular price As Low As $4.99
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.99
  • main-collection-product-grid four o'clock yellow

    Four O'Clock Seeds - Yellow

    Canary yellow blooms carry a sweet citrusy fragrance

    Four O'Clock Seeds - Yellow

    Canary yellow blooms carry a sweet citrusy fragrance
    Regular price As Low As $4.99
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.99
  • main-collection-product-grid four o'clock red

    Four O'Clock Seeds - Red

    Ditch your hummingbird feeder for these scarlet, trumpet-shaped blooms

    Four O'Clock Seeds - Red

    Ditch your hummingbird feeder for these scarlet, trumpet-shaped blooms
    Regular price As Low As $4.99
    Regular price Sale price As Low As $4.99

What we love about planting heirloom four o' clock seeds

  • 6 heirloom four o'clock seed varieties
  • Pollinator attractor
  • Named for their late afternoon blooms
  • Offering a sea of colors to your garden

Get the best results with heirloom four o'clock seeds

Heirloom four o'clocks are among the most vibrant, aromatic, and robust of all the flowers that can be grown from seed, and they get their name due to the fact that they bloom late in the afternoon. The seeds of the four o'clock may be planted directly in the ground, in pots, or in other containers such as barrels, making them very flexible. Sow heirloom four o'clock seeds in the spring for late summer/early fall blossoms.

Great selection of heirloom four o'clocks

Can't decide which color to add to your garden? Check out Eden Brothers' Heirloom Mixed Colors Four O'Clock Seeds for blooms of yellow, white, pink, magenta, and purple! Or try the Heirloom Four O Clock Bicolor Seed Mix for marbled and streaked blooms, adding a beautiful uniqueness to your yard!

After the fear of frost has passed, sow your heirloom four o'clock seeds directly into the garden. These blossoms do best in full light, but they will take partial shade as well. Consider shifting the plants to a more sunny location if you detect a spindly growth pattern. Plant heirloom four o'clock seeds in a location with rich, well-draining, loamy soil.

The day before planting, nick the seed coating and immerse your seeds overnight. Seeds for heirloom four o'clock should be sown about 1/4 inch deep and 12 inches apart. Thin your plants to approximately two feet apart as they sprout.

How to encourage growth of heirloom four o'clock plants

Pinch back the main stem as soon as the heirloom four o'clocks have established themselves to stimulate bushier growth. While four o'clock plants are mainly self-sufficient and require minimal maintenance, they do require consistent moisture in the soil. These plants will die back after the killing frost, but if debris is left in the planting location, they will return season after season.

Heirloom four o'clock flowers, as previously said, require very little upkeep. They're also drought-tolerant, have poor soil tolerance, and are incredibly simple to cultivate in general.

Companion plants to grow with heirloom four o'clocks

Heirloom four o'clocks grow best with other drought-tolerant plants such as morning glories, daylilies, and moonflowers.

For more information about planting, growing, and caring for heirloom four o' clock flower seed, see the Four O' Clock Seeds Planting Guide.