Collection: Blue Flower Seeds and Bulbs

Dreamy blue colors may be found in some of the rarest and most distinctive flowers. On a beautiful spring or summer day, imagine the horizon merging with your flower garden. Consider the calming effects these lovely blossoms might have. Think about having the most unique flower garden in the neighborhood! Eden Brothers has over 40 blue flower species, including annuals like Baby Blue Eyes Seeds and the Blue Delphinium Seed Mix, as well as perennials like Blue Forget Me Not Seeds and De Caen Blue Anemone Bulbs! Mix these blooms with red and white flowers for a touch of Americana!

Grow a sea of blue flowers in your garden

  • 85 blue flower varieties
  • Rare and vibrant blooms
  • Beautiful selection of asters, columbines, forget me nots, and more
  • Blue is often referred to as a symbol of freedom, intuition, imagination, and sensitivity

Grow a sea of blue flowers in your garden

  • 85 blue flower varieties
  • Rare and vibrant blooms
  • Beautiful selection of asters, columbines, forget me nots, and more
  • Blue is often referred to as a symbol of freedom, intuition, imagination, and sensitivity

Cultivate a unique blue wildflower meadow

Blue is the rarest color in nature, and easily the most coveted. Synonymous with the wide-open sky and running water, the color blue is apt to stir up many liberating and deep emotions for most people, including loyalty, wisdom, and faith. Cultivate ancient wisdom in your garden and allow yourself to be inspired by any one of these blue flower seeds and bulbs.

There’s a reason that blue is a favorite color for so many—it is a mesmerizing color. True blue pigment is rare and unique in the natural world, and most flowers actually use a trick of the light to appear blue to human and bee eyes.

Whether it’s a trick of the light or not, we love to see blue flowers in our gardens just as much as you do. If you can’t choose between all fifty of our blue flower seeds and bulbs, why not try one of our blue wildflower mixes? Blue Ribbon is a winner, and we just can’t get enough of Singin’ The Blues.

Choose from the best blue flower seeds and bulbs

If you aren’t already growing Columbine Blue Star and Delphinium Blue Bell, you should be. These cool-season flowers make excellent cut flowers, or if left to bloom on their stems, add depth and color to the garden.

No cottage garden is complete without morning glories like Heavenly Blue or Blue Picotee—just direct sow these beauties in the garden at the foot of a fence or arch, and watch them climb!

Want to fill bare soil with something a lot more interesting than grass? Try growing Baby Blue Eyes or Ageratum Blue Mink for a drought-tolerant groundcover. Want to have the first blue booms of the year? Be sure to plant some Grape Hyacinth Armeniacum bulbs along with Anemone De Caen Blue White bulbs for early spring flowers.

Pair Re-blooming Bearded Irises like City Lights with fall-planted Siberian Iris like Silver Edge provide dramatic blue tones that tower over other flowers in the garden. Cultivate an everlasting arrangement by drying blue flowers like Aster Blue and White and Clary Sage Blue Monday.

Blue flowers and bulbs make the perfect companion plants

Blue flowers are beautiful, but they are far from delicate. Hardy annuals like Lupin Blue thrive nearly anywhere, from the interstate medians to the mountain meadows. The deer-resistant Blue Caeruleum Allium Bulbs put off a scent that deters other garden pests like slugs and aphids, making it a perfect companion plant in vegetable gardens.

Shop Eden Brothers collection of blue flowers and bulbs with confidence, knowing that all of our seeds are guaranteed non-GMO, whether they be heirloom, open-pollinated, or hybrid varieties. We took the Safe Seed Pledge to make a commitment to our customers to always provide the highest quality seeds and bulbs available because we know just how important your garden is to you.

Place your order for blue flowers today, and rest easy knowing that we’ve already taken care of the hard part. All you need to do is patiently wait for your seeds and bulbs to arrive, and then you can get started digging!